Events / 16-Mar-2019
APSG has announced the signing of a new contract with the Islamic Development Bank

APSG The Integrated Security Solutions Group today announced another streamline of partnership with IDB.

APSG has further strengthened our partnership with the Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah City. APSG now manages and operates the Bank Security Console / Control Center Central Station Operations. It also announced the start of manned Security Services.

APSG Security Division Directors and Islamic Development Bank Directors attended this great event to celebratethe grate valuable partnership and bank operating system. APSG provides a high number of companies in sectors such as Security, Facility, Cash, Technology, Car Rental and Travel & Tourism. Our professional security management division has obtained numerous customer certificates and this is demonstrated by their satisfaction with the services provided by our certified employees. APSG is proud of yet another milestone achievement with one of the major financial institutions.